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Фотоконкурс Bird Photographer of the Year Awards объявил имена финалистов

Дата публикации: 07.04.2021

Премия Bird Photographer of the Year Awards (BPOTY) объявила финалистов конкурса 2021 года. Выбор победителя и церемония награждения ожидаются в сентябре.

В этом году в конкурсе приняли участие более 22 000 работ из более чем 73 стран. В нашей подборке шорт-лист финалистов, которые продолжат борьбу за денежный приз в размере 5000 фунтов стерлингов (~ 6 912 долларов США). Помимо проведения конкурса, BPOTY заявляет, что гордится тем, что поддерживает охрану природы, и предоставляет финансовую помощь местным природоохранным проектам.

Фотоконкурс Bird Photographer of the Year Awards объявил имена финалистов

Photo by Brian Matthews / Bird Photographer of the Year

Photo by Daniel Zhang / Bird Photographer of the Year

Photo by Daniel Zhang / Bird Photographer of the Year

Photo by Li Ying Lou / Bird Photographer of the Year

Photo by Li Ying Lou / Bird Photographer of the Year

Photo by Øyvind Pedersen / Bird Photographer of the Year

Photo by Øyvind Pedersen / Bird Photographer of the Year

Photo by Terry Whittaker / Bird Photographer of the Year

Photo by Terry Whittaker / Bird Photographer of the Year

Photo by Daniela Anger / Bird Photographer of the Year

Photo by Daniela Anger / Bird Photographer of the Year

Photo by Gail Bisson / Bird Photographer of the Year

Photo by Gail Bisson / Bird Photographer of the Year

Photo by Tom Schandy / Bird Photographer of the Year

Photo by Tom Schandy / Bird Photographer of the Year

Photo by Diana Schmies / Bird Photographer of the Year

Photo by Diana Schmies / Bird Photographer of the Year

Photo by Scott Suriano / Bird Photographer of the Year

Photo by Scott Suriano / Bird Photographer of the Year

Photo by Irene Waring / Bird Photographer of the Year

Photo by Irene Waring / Bird Photographer of the Year

Photo by Fahad Alenezi / Bird Photographer of the Year

Photo by Fahad Alenezi / Bird Photographer of the Year

Photo by Irma Szabo / Bird Photographer of the Year

Photo by Irma Szabo / Bird Photographer of the Year

Photo by Raymond Hennessy / Bird Photographer of the Year

Photo by Raymond Hennessy / Bird Photographer of the Year

Photo by Brad James / Bird Photographer of the Year

Photo by Brad James / Bird Photographer of the Year

Photo by Andy Parkinson / Bird Photographer of the Year

Photo by Andy Parkinson / Bird Photographer of the Year

Photo by Zdeněk Jakl / Bird Photographer of the Year

Photo by Zdeněk Jakl / Bird Photographer of the Year

Photo by James Wilcox / Bird Photographer of the Year

Photo by James Wilcox / Bird Photographer of the Year

Photo by David White / Bird Photographer of the Year

Photo by David White / Bird Photographer of the Year

Photo by Gábor Li / Bird Photographer of the Year

Photo by Gábor Li / Bird Photographer of the Year

Photo by Tzahi Finkelstein / Bird Photographer of the Year

Photo by Tzahi Finkelstein / Bird Photographer of the Year

Photo by Daphne Wong / Bird Photographer of the Year

Photo by Daphne Wong / Bird Photographer of the Year

Photo by Anupam Chakraborty / Bird Photographer of the Year

Photo by Anupam Chakraborty / Bird Photographer of the Year

Photo by Eirik Grønningsæter / Bird Photographer of the Year

Photo by Eirik Grønningsæter / Bird Photographer of the Year

Photo by Mario Suarez Porras / Bird Photographer of the Year

Photo by Mario Suarez Porras / Bird Photographer of the Year

Дата публикации: 07.04.2021

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