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Фотографии заброшенных мест

Дата публикации: 22.11.2014

Как оказалось, не так уж много фотографов снимают заброшенную архитектуру. Еще меньшее количество авторов делает это хорошо. Все-таки не так просто художественно показать заброшенные места.

И все же так называемый abandoned уже почти стал самостоятельным жанром фотографии.

Фотографии заброшенных мест

silent listeners © Sven Fennema

The abandoned Pool © Angéla Vicedomini

The abandoned Pool © Angéla Vicedomini

Enough guts for a closer look © Marcus Björkman

Enough guts for a closer look © Marcus Björkman

maison de repos © Sven Fennema

maison de repos © Sven Fennema

Let there be... Lounge? © Brad Gillette

Let there be... Lounge? © Brad Gillette

Cinema Strange © Mindcage

Cinema Strange © Mindcage

© Caras Ionut

© Caras Ionut

Abandoned House Sunset © Fresnatic

Abandoned House Sunset © Fresnatic

St. Dominic Cemetery © Noel Kerns

St. Dominic Cemetery © Noel Kerns

International Harvester © Noel Kerns

International Harvester © Noel Kerns

terres rouges © gsgeorge

terres rouges © gsgeorge

Outback Ruins © -yury-

Outback Ruins © -yury-

room service © tgagephoto

room service © tgagephoto

The School on the Hill © Noel Kerns

The School on the Hill © Noel Kerns

Corridoi dell'orrore © Sven Fennema

Corridoi dell'orrore © Sven Fennema

Truck Stop © Noel Kerns

Truck Stop © Noel Kerns

Abandoned © Fabrizio Susini

Abandoned © Fabrizio Susini

Left without the shoes © Jørgen Opsann

Left without the shoes © Jørgen Opsann

Hamraendar © Brin

Hamraendar © Brin

Loft Light © Frizztext

Loft Light © Frizztext

Renato L.B. © Molino de la Ciudad

Renato L.B. © Molino de la Ciudad

The Remains of the Day © J u n g a

The Remains of the Day © J u n g a

You Want the truth? You Can't Handle the Truth! © Jeff Engelhardt

You Want the truth? You Can't Handle the Truth! © Jeff Engelhardt

Дата публикации: 22.11.2014

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