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Галерея богинь

Дата публикации: 29.11.2014

Yevonde Cumbers Middleton (1893 – 1975) — английский фотограф. Она была первой, кто использовал цвет в портретной фотографии. Всю жизнь работала под псевдонимом Madame Yevonde.

Одна из самых популярных ее серий под названием “Goddesses gallery”. Известные женщины того времени, одетые в костюмы римских и греческих богинь, муз и других мифических персонажей.

Не поверите, но это 1935 год!

Галерея богинь

Mrs Edward Mayer as Medusa

Dorothy, Duchess of Welington as Hecate

Dorothy, Duchess of Welington as Hecate

Baroness Gagern as Europa

Baroness Gagern as Europa

The Honorable Mrs Bryan Guinness as Venus

The Honorable Mrs Bryan Guinness as Venus

Eileen Hunter (Mrs Ward Jackson) as Dido

Eileen Hunter (Mrs Ward Jackson) as Dido

Mrs Anthony Eden as the Muse of History

Mrs Anthony Eden as the Muse of History

Lady Milbanke as Penthelisa, Queen of the Amazons

Lady Milbanke as Penthelisa, Queen of the Amazons

Lady Michael Balcon as Minerva

Lady Michael Balcon as Minerva

Lady Dotrothy warrender as Ceres

Lady Dotrothy warrender as Ceres

Mrs Longdon as Persephone

Mrs Longdon as Persephone

Gertrude Lawrence as the Muse of Comedy

Gertrude Lawrence as the Muse of Comedy

Nadine, Countess of Shrewsbury as Ariadne

Nadine, Countess of Shrewsbury as Ariadne

Mrs Richard Hart-Davis as Ariel

Mrs Richard Hart-Davis as Ariel

Lady Bridgett Poulett as Arethusa

Lady Bridgett Poulett as Arethusa

Lady Anne Rhys poses as the goddess Flora

Lady Anne Rhys poses as the goddess Flora

Mary, Viscountess as Euterpe

Mary, Viscountess as Euterpe

Miss Susan Bligh as Calypso

Miss Susan Bligh as Calypso

Lady Alexandra (Baroness Dacre) as Circe

Lady Alexandra (Baroness Dacre) as Circe

Mrs Charles Sweeney as Helen of Troy

Mrs Charles Sweeney as Helen of Troy

Дата публикации: 29.11.2014

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