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Объявлены победители конкурса National Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year

Дата публикации: 13.12.2016

Журнал National Geographic огласил имена победителей ежегодного фотоконкурса Nature Photographer of the Year.

Объявлены победители конкурса National Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year

Sardine Run
Photo and caption by G. Lecoeur

Фотографом года стал Грег Лакур, запечатлевший миграцию сардин у берегов Южной Африки. Он получит премию в размере $2,500 и станет участников фототура на Галапагосские острова.

Photo and caption by varun aditya

Photo and caption by varun aditya

Среди победителей есть и российский автор. Вадим Балакин стал лучшим в номинации «Проблемы окружающей среды» со снимком погибшего белого медведя.

Life and Death
Photo and caption by Vadim Balakin

Life and Death
Photo and caption by Vadim Balakin

Pacific Storm
Photo and caption by Santiago Borja

Pacific Storm
Photo and caption by Santiago Borja

Proud Momma
Photo and caption by Michael O'Neill

Proud Momma
Photo and caption by Michael O'Neill

Friendship knows no color
Photo and caption by JOSE PESQUERO GOMEZ

Friendship knows no color
Photo and caption by JOSE PESQUERO GOMEZ

no snow, no ice?
Photo and caption by Patty Waymire

no snow, no ice?
Photo and caption by Patty Waymire

Changing Fortunes of the Great Egret
Photo and caption by Zsolt Kudich

Changing Fortunes of the Great Egret
Photo and caption by Zsolt Kudich

Jellyfish Feast
Photo and caption by Scott Portelli

Jellyfish Feast
Photo and caption by Scott Portelli

Struggle of life
Photo and caption by Jacob Kaptein

Struggle of life
Photo and caption by Jacob Kaptein

Serendipitous Green Meteor
Photo and caption by Prasenjeet Yadav

Serendipitous Green Meteor
Photo and caption by Prasenjeet Yadav

Crow chasing Puffy Owl
Photo and caption by CHIA BOON OO LAWRENCE

Crow chasing Puffy Owl
Photo and caption by CHIA BOON OO LAWRENCE

The View Outside Facebook HQ
Photo and caption by Chris McCann

The View Outside Facebook HQ
Photo and caption by Chris McCann

Дата публикации: 13.12.2016

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